Hey there! Thanks for taking the time to stop by this page and learn a little bit more about me, The Bexa Boss Lady.
You can learn so much more about me throughout my blog posts and YouTube Vlog’s but I’ll give you little synopsis right here!
For the past 15 years, I quickly worked my way into management and leadership positions to coach and help others. It all began with Children Services as a social worker where I climbed the ladder from Caseworker to Training Coordinator and Supervisor in 2.5 years becoming the youngest supervisor at our agency.
During my time there, I went through my own personal weight loss transformation and fell in love with helping others find their own health journey so I started personal training and teaching group fitness on the side. Eventually, that grew into my greater passion and I left to pursue entrepreneurship by opening my own fitness studio.
Bexa Body Fitness was founded in 2011 and opened in January 2012. I poured my blood, sweat, and tears – literally – into this business. We quickly grew into one of the “go-to” gym spots in Columbus, Ohio and I branded myself and my business into expert status by developing community relationships, being a guest on several newscasts, being interviewed for magazines like Oxygen and Self, gracing the cover of 2 local magazines and being selected by Columbus Business First as one of their Forty Under 40 in 2013. Life was great!

And then the changes starting coming…
It seems like yesterday my husband was offered an amazing job in Northern Virginia that we just couldn’t pass up. We made the difficult decision to relocate for him to take this position and I started the process of selling my gym.
After we moved, everything fell apart. The person who I trusted to buy my gym backed out and took most of my clients. I couldn’t find anyone else willing to invest in purchasing the business and I ultimately ended up closing it 8 months after we moved. There are no words to describe my devastation when selling everything in my business, garage sale style, only 3.5 years after working so hard to get it open. So. Many. Life. Lessons.
Trying to find my place again, I accepted a position as the General Manager at a large yoga studio in Virginia. I loved helping run the business but I found myself always missing the ownership aspect. But, I created amazing relationships from the business and am so grateful for the opportunity at the time I needed it the most.

But, the need for self-employment and entrepreneurship combined with some medical problems took me in the direction of “doing my own thing” as I like to call it.
I later left the yoga studio to launch my own social media marketing company, with the goal of using the power of social media to unite my clients to their customers and help build their businesses. This skill brought me so many opportunities for myself and my business. I wanted to teach others my ways.
Luckily I found amazing clients and was able to get back in my groove!
That’s when life hit me yet again!
I found out I had a blocked kidney and was almost in renal failure. After several months, I had surgery in December 2015 and during this time I accepted a position as the General Sales Manager for one of my Social Media clients. Again, I am so grateful for giving me the opportunity despite my medical issues and everyone at the dealership for becoming my second family.

I finally thought I found my groove, recovery was going fantastic, I loved my job and everything was peachy.
Life. Damn you life. You always know how to get in the way!
I started getting sick again in April/May of 2016. It got to the point where I left my position in August 2016 to take the time to pursue my medical problems and dedicate this time to getting healthy. I couldn’t have done it without my amazing husband.
I’ll share my medical journey with you in my blog posts but after a very long (and expensive) journey, I finally got some answers.
They were not what I expected but I am coming to terms with them. My health is something that has gotten in the way of my opportunities because it is unpredictable.
There are days I feel amazing and days or weeks I feel completely awful. It makes it extremely difficult to maintain a full-time management job and have other people be dependent on you, especially when those positions are the ones that make me thrive. I am incredibly passionate about helping and coaching others to be their best selves, overcome their obstacles, and keep going despite any and all setbacks.
If I’ve learned anything in the last 8 years, I’m one tough Boss Lady.

Fast forward to 2021 – We now live in Connecticut. We’ve lived through this insane Pandemic. I’ve worked tirelessly to find answers to my health problems and FINALLY can say I feel 75% better than I did when I started this blog.
Throughout everything, I’ve always had side hustles. Those little opportunities that bring in some extra cash to help with whatever I need at the time. My little passion projects could make me smile at any given time. I can’t even tell you how many times someone has said, “what about that other thing?” and I always reply “I’m still doing it, just adding this in.”
- Reselling has been a passion and side hustle for almost 20 years now! I sell on Poshmark, Ebay, Mercari, Kidizen, Facebook Marketplace, Etsy and my own website.
- Blogging/YouTube recently became a source of income for me.
- Online Course Creation
- Affiliate Marketing
- Online Coaching and Consulting
- Art is the most recent addition to my side hustles. I turned to art in the beginning of 2020 to help get me through the Covid Pandemic. I ended up opening a second Etsy shop (Bexa Boss Designs) to sell my art and online designs.

No one said you only have to have one job. No one said you have to work for other people. No one said you can’t be a stay at home mom, dad, husband, wife or person. And for the bigger part, who the F* cares what other people are saying. It is so easy to get caught up in other people’s opinions or judgment but the reality is – you are the only one living in your life every single day.
I live with chronic pain and medical issues every day of my life. Every morning I wake up and can barely get out of bed, I am reminded of my situation. I don’t need Nosy Nancy commenting on my life choices, she doesn’t pay my bills!
What I will tell you is this. Live YOUR life! Life the life you want, by your own design and decisions. It’s so hard to do but try not to give a flying flip what other people think. You will be SO much happier in the long run.
With all this being said, I started Bexa Boss Lady to teach you my ways and also to learn from you. This community of self-employed entrepreneurs is FILLED with information, tips, tricks, and opportunities. You just have to know where to look.
I’m continually tweaking my systems, adding new revenue sources, and trying out new things.
So, if you are ready to change your life or just want to learn more about mine – subscribe to my email list or just start following my blog. I promise you won’t be disappointed.
We are all unicorns in this thing called life just trying to make our way.
I hope you enjoy my blog but you can also check out my YouTube channel and follow me on all the social media networks 🙂
Join me on Instagram – @BexaBosslady
Shop my Poshmark Store: @bossladyresale
Shop my Ebay Store – Boss Lady Resale
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel! YouTube – Bexa Boss Lady
Rebecca – The Bexa Boss Lady